
What is the Average Completion Time for a No Chain Transaction?

Introduction Buying or selling a property can be an exciting yet daunting process, especially when it comes to understanding the timeline involved. One factor that significantly influences the speed of a property transaction is whether there is a chain involved. A “chain” refers to a series of linked property transactions where the completion of each […]

Are bungalows colder than houses?

Introduction When it comes to choosing a home, especially in the UK where the weather can be unpredictable, the question of warmth and comfort is paramount. Among the various types of housing options available, bungalows often raise the question: Are bungalows colder than houses? In this blog, we’ll delve into this topic and explore whether […]

Do You Pay Stamp Duty When Selling a House?

Introduction This often-misunderstood tax is a significant consideration for both buyers and sellers. But amidst the confusion, one question stands out: Do you pay stamp duty when selling a house? In this blog, we’ll unravel this myth, clarify the role of stamp duty in property transactions, and shed light on its implications for sellers. Understanding […]

How Long Does It Take to Buy a House with No Chain?

Introduction Buying a house can be a complex and time-consuming process, often fraught with uncertainties and delays. However, for those fortunate enough to find themselves in a situation where there’s no chain involved, the timeline can be significantly streamlined. In this blog, we’ll explore just how long it typically takes to buy a house with […]

When Do Estate Agents Take the Property off the Market?

When do estate agents take the property off the market?

Introduction In the intricate process of buying or selling a property, timing plays a crucial role. If you’re on the hunt for your dream home or looking to sell your current one, you might wonder when exactly an estate agent takes a property off the market. The Initial Listing Period When you decide to sell […]

Questions to Ask During a House Viewing in the UK

Questions to Ask During a House Viewing in the UK

Introduction Stepping into a potential new home in the UK is an exciting and often overwhelming experience. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and initial impressions, ensuring you ask the right questions becomes paramount. Remember, a house viewing is not just an opportunity to assess the property; it’s your chance to gather crucial information to make […]

How Tall is a 2-storey house in the UK?

How Tall is a 2-storey house?

Introduction Have you ever gazed upon a charming Victorian terrace or a contemporary two-storey house in the UK and wondered, “Just how tall is that house?” While the architectural landscape of the UK boasts a captivating array of styles and sizes, one question frequently arises: How tall is a typical 2-storey house in the UK? […]

Does Rendering a House Add Value?

Does Rendering a House Add Value?

Introduction As a homeowner in the UK, you’re constantly evaluating ways to enhance your property’s charm, functionality, and, most importantly, value. In this quest for improvement, one question consistently arises: Does rendering add value to your UK home? The answer, like most things in life, isn’t a simple yes or no. It’s a nuanced tapestry […]

Selling Your House with a Mortgage: Navigating the Finances

Introduction Putting your house on the market is an exciting adventure, but for many homeowners, it comes with a financial knot in their stomach: their mortgage. What happens to your mortgage when you sell your house in the UK? Can you sell with it still hanging over your head? Can you transfer it to your […]

Can you build a basement under an existing house?

Introduction Expanding your living space without encroaching on precious outdoor land might seem like a paradoxical dream. But for homeowners in the UK, an intriguing solution lies beneath their very feet: the possibility of constructing a basement under their existing house. This subterranean venture may conjure images of luxurious wine cellars and hidden home cinemas, […]